Pregnancy during a Pandemic

Christmas Eve 2019, a day that would change our lives forever.
A positive pregnancy test was the most amazing Christmas gift we could have wished for - our little rainbow baby!
It’s been over a year since I last wrote a blog.. the past 12 months have flown by! We have been so busy with our business, house renovation and of course our pregnancy that I unfortunatley haven’t had the time I’d have wanted to blog. Now that we are in isolation due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic, I thought it may be a perfect time to re-start.
With the current situation, this ‘Pregnancy during a Pandemic’ blog is not only relevant, but a very surreal situation and something that myself, and many others are currently experiencing. Let's face it, pregnancy isn’t an easy journey at the best of times.
I remember looking at our positive pregnancy test over and over again, and without doubt it is one of the happiest moments in my life. I think after experiencing heartache or loss, you naturally worry about things, but I wasn't going to let that take over the joy and excitement. Alan and I had the most wonderful time celebrating Christmas and New Year - 2020, the year we get to meet our baby!
Who would have thought that 2020 was also going to be the year of the Coronavirus outbreak! A year that history will remember, the uncertainty of Covid-19 which is without doubt affecting every single person somehow. The amount of lives and loved ones that have been lost over the world is absolutely tragic. I feel incredibly lucky to be carrying our baby, and I’m doing everything I possibly can to ensure I keep us all safe during this time.
For the first 16 weeks of my pregnancy, I felt pretty rough to say the least. I suffered with sickness, fatigue, and possibly every other symptom that came with being pregnant. On the plus side, Covid-19 had only just begun progressing in the UK which meant that my husband, Alan, was able to attend the first couple of scans and midwife appointments. We had our Gender scan at 16 weeks and that was the last scan that Alan attended with me. Since then, the government declared we all self-isolate and it has been a worrying, difficult and a very surreal time.
I remember being so excited for my pregnancy journey - the gender reveal party, the baby shower, celebrating with friends and family. I couldn’t wait for all the shopping trips, date nights in my new pregnancy attire, attending my antenatal classes and making new mummy friends. Most importantly, having my husband by my side for scans and appointments. Most of that has been taken away and it is heartbreaking. I’m not a selfish person, and I will forever be grateful that I am pregnant, no matter the circumstances, but some days I can’t help but feel sad for us mums-to-be.
Like I say, the pandemic has without doubt affected everyone in some way. Infection, loved ones lost, jobs lost, weddings and other events cancelled or postponed.
Do you know what can’t be rescheduled? Pregnancy.
Unfortunately we had to cancel our planned Gender Reveal party, as at the time bars and restaurants were asked to close. Luckily enough, we were living with my mum and her partner (due to our house renovation) and they decided to bring the party to us. They decorated the house, and we had a gender reveal in isolation! That day we found out we were having a Daughter, it was as wonderful as it could be considering the circumstances. We uploaded our Gender Reveal video to social media, where our friends and family could watch us pop our pink confetti cannons.
Our Gender Reveal in isolation!
I never imagined having to attend scans and midwife appointments alone with nobody there to hold my hand. It’s just as hard for my husband, it’s our first child - not the experience we had imagined but we always remain positive. I’ve had to attend the hospital a few times during the pandemic, all pregnancy related appointments, and the NHS staff are amazing. It’s a little daunting seeing everyone in protective masks, gloves and visors, but they are supportive, incredibly understanding and help put your mind at ease.
We have recently moved into an apartment whilst our house renovation is being completed. We were staying with my mum for a while however she is vulnerable to the virus, as am I with being pregnant, so we decided it was best for us to move to keep everyone as safe as possible. We occasionally go to visit her, my dad and my grandfather (who are all close by) through their windows, where they get to see my growing bump. Not ideal, but again, we are making this situation as positive as possible.
Alan and I still have the excitement of shopping online for our baby, we still get to design her nursery and choose her clothes. We haven’t experienced pregnancy any other way, and honestly it’s ok! We laugh every day, keep ourselves entertained, go for our daily walk and we are making the most of our last few months as a two. We are enjoying how much time we get to spend together, we are cooking more, we are binge-watching Netflix, and we are happier than ever.
I have recently created a Facebook group ‘Covid-19 Support Group in Pregnancy’ where over 500 mums-to-be have joined and I use it to help spread positivity and happiness. It allows us women who are all very much in the same position, to be able to talk, connect and make friends. I’ve also met an amazing group of girls on Instagram too. It’s definitely not all doom and gloom!
I’m not sure how Covid-19 will affect the remaining 17 weeks of our pregnancy, I’m unsure if I will be able to have more than one birthing partner, I’m unsure whether Alan will be able to see his Daughter on screen at my next scan appointment, I’m unsure when I can next give my parents, my mother-in-law or my family and friends a hug. There’s so much uncertainty, but it will all be ok.
So many mums-to-be like myself, are navigating our way through this pandemic with a sense of fear. Everyday brings new emotions, but I remind myself that I can choose how to deal with it and I choose to be grateful.
Grateful that we were able to conceive while so many others await their turn. Grateful that I am able to carry our baby as safe as I possibly can inside my body. Grateful that I have an amazing support network around me to help when I’m feeling down.
Grateful for life.
Our beautiful baby girl, we can’t wait to meet you in August. Thank you for giving us hope and happiness in a time full of sadness, fear and loss. We love you so much xx